Reconciliation law in some building violations and legalization of their conditions

** The last amendment to Law 1 of 2020 – on January 7 **
Law No. 17 of 2019 and its executive regulations with amendments to the Reconciliation Law in Certain Building Violations and Legalization of Their Conditions
Law of Reconciliation in Certain Building Violations and Legalization of Their Conditions No. 17 of 2019
Issued on 8 April 2019

The House of Representatives has passed the following law, and we have issued it:

Article 1

Subject to what is mentioned in a special provision of the law regulating public places, reconciliation and legalization of conditions may be made in the works that were committed in violation of the provisions of the laws regulating building issued before the provisions of this law came into force, and in cases of change of use in areas where there are no approved detailed plans and which were proven to have been carried out before Implement the provisions of this law in the manner indicated.
Reconciliation is prohibited for any of the following violations:
1- Works that violate the structural integrity of the building
2- Infringement of the approved organizational lines and legally established height rights, unless expenditures have been made between the reconciliation applicant and the owners of height rights as indicated by the executive regulations of this law.
3- Violations related to buildings and facilities of distinguished architectural style
4- Exceeding the height restrictions established by the Civil Aviation Authority or exceeding the requirements of State Defense Affairs
5- Building on lands owned by the state, unless the person concerned has submitted a request to regularize his situation in accordance with the law.
6- Building on lands subject to the Antiquities Protection and Nile River Protection Law
7- Changing the use of areas for which detailed plans approved by the administrative authority have been issued, unless approved by the administrative authority.
8- Building outside the approved urban estate, with the exception of:

A) The cases mentioned in Article Two of the articles of issuance of the Building Law promulgated by Law No. 119 of 2008
b) Governmental projects and projects of public interest
C) The residential blocks close to the urban estates of villages and their affiliations and cities as determined by the executive regulations of this law. Those blocks mean completed, utilised, inhabited buildings that are built on areas that have lost the elements of agriculture and according to aerial photography on 7/22/2017, which are determined by a decision of the Urban Estate Committee formed by a decision of the Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, and the implementation of the new law is determined according to this regulation Presentation of the Minister of Agriculture.

– The last amendment under Law 1 of 2020
Article 2

For each competent administrative authority, as set forth in Article 4 of the articles of the building law issuance referred to, a technical committee or more of its non-workers, headed by a consulting engineer specialized in structural engineering and with the membership of at least two engineers accredited by the Syndicate of Engineers, one of whom is a specialist in architectural engineering A representative of the Ministry of Interior, and the formation of this committee is issued by a decision from the governor or the head of the competent authority, as the case may be.
The executive regulation of this law defines the rules and criteria for selecting the chairperson and members of the committee, and the procedures and controls it follows in carrying out its jurisdiction.

The last amendment under Law 1 of 2020
Article 3
The request for reconciliation and legalization of conditions shall be submitted within a period not exceeding six months from the date of enforcement of the amended executive regulations to the administrative authority competent to implement the provisions of the aforementioned building law, after payment of an examination fee paid in cash not exceeding five thousand pounds. The executive regulations of this law determine the categories of this fee. The Prime Minister may extend the aforementioned period for a similar period, and the competent administrative authority shall create special records, paper or mechanized, in which reconciliation requests and the procedures and decisions taken in this regard shall be entered. The applicant must be given a certificate stating that he submitted the request, including his number, date of registration, and the documents attached to it.
Submission of this certificate to the court or the competent authorities, as the case may be, shall result in the suspension of consideration of the cases related to the violation, and the suspension of the implementation of judgments, decisions and procedures issued in relation to the violating acts subject of this application when it is decided upon.

The last amendment under Law 1 of 2020
Article 4

The committee stipulated in Article Two of this Law shall decide on the requests for conciliation and legalize the situation. It shall conduct a field inspection of the site subject to the violation, and instruct the conciliation requester to submit an engineering report from one of the consulting engineering offices approved by the Syndicate of Engineers, or engineering or research centers, or research centers. Or from a consulting engineer approved by the Association regarding the structural safety of the violating building and other documents necessary for deciding on this request, as determined by the executive regulations of this law, within the period specified for submitting the request.
The engineering report referred to is considered an official editor within the scope of application of the provisions of the Penal Code
The aforementioned committee must complete its work within a period not exceeding three months from the date of submitting the application in full with the required documents. In all cases, the committee may not finish its work except after completing the examination of all applications submitted to it within the period specified by the law.

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